Whidbey Island Garden Tour 2008 Photos

Whidbey Island Garden Tour 2008 Photos

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There are fourteen pages (261 photos) in this gallery.  Please wait for the thumbnails to appear before proceeding.  Choose the page you would like to view.  It may take a few moments to load the images into the gallery page.

Click on any picture in the Gallery thumbnail grid to view the  ‘Photo Gallery‘ where you can see a larger version of the photograph.  You may use keyboard cursor keys (left or right arrows) to navigate the gallery.

After you have clicked a picture, you will enter the ‘Photo Gallery’. You may use the following Photo Gallery Controls.

To play the slideshow, click the play icon (lower left of your screen)
To pause the slideshow, click the pause icon (lower left of your screen)
While in the Photo Gallery  (playing the slideshow or paused), click on the ‘X’
(upper right of your screen) to return to the Gallery Information Page